And much more…


And much more:

Father of four / ASA film
My embarrassing family and the mutant killer snails
Wipeout / Endemol
1:1 / Zentropa Film
My father is a boxer / Nimbus Film
Julie / DR
Oscar & Josefine / Cosmo film
Skattejegten / Nordisk Film Norway
Nikolaj & Julie / DR
The diver boy /Nimbus Film
The Robinson Expedition / Strix TV
Hotel / Jarowski
Help I am a fish / A.Film
Nearby / Nordisk Film
The Snow Queen / JJ Film
When mother comes home / Thura Film
Carousel / Metronome
The last Viking / Zentropa
Eye of the Eagle / Metronome
The Last Heroes / Nimbus Film
The human animal / Zentropa
Farloigt friendship / Thura Film
The boy who walked backwards / Nimbus Film
The Brewer / Nordisk Film



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